Saturday, October 5, 2013

PTU Tutorial - Around Tha Way

PTU tutorial using Around Tha Way by Jackie's Jewels!
Check it out on her blog HERE and find out more about her October Sale.
You can purchase it at Pimpin' PSPers Warehouse!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**




Scrap Kit

*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*


Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Place the tube on the canvas. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Place ele 06 behind the tube. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Below the tube, place ele 65. Resize and add a drop shadow. Duplicate the sidewalk so it is smaller, but spans the tag.
Behind the city, use the bricks, ele29, to make a wall behind the city. Duplicate the bricks and flip back and forth so it looks normal.
On the left side between the city and the bricks, place ele 55. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Take ele 63 and place in front of the tube on the left side of the radio. Resize and add a drop shadow. You may need to erase a little of the money stack that overlaps the tube. Duplicate the money before erasing. Place the duplicate on top of the first money stack.
Take another copy of ele 63 and place in front of the radio on the left side. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Lay ele 58 on top of the money stack on the right side. Resize and add a drop shadow.
To the right of the tube's right (your right) foot, place ele 17. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the tube on the right, place ele 47. Resize and add a drop shadow.
To the right of the hat and behind the foot, place ele 82. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the spray can, place ele 62. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the hat and spray can, place the money stack, ele 63. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind that, place ele 42. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the tube, up by her right thigh (your right again), place ele 69. Resize and add a drop shadow.
To the right, and behind ele 42, place ele 67. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind that sign, place ele 21. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On the left side of the tube and by her left foot, place ele 77 and flip horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the broken bottle and tube, place ele 48. Rotate up a little. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the high top sneaker, place ele 71. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the sneaker and headphones, place ele 41.Resize and add a drop shadow.
Between the pay phone and the tube, place ele 24. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Place ele 72 on top of the pay phone and flip horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the pay phone and fire hydrant, place ele 44. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the trash can and flip horizontally. Make a little smaller than the first one and move it to the right a little.
Behind the pay phone on the  left, place ele 74. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of ele 74, place ele 63. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind everything and on top of the city, place ele 66. Resize and add a drop shadow.

Main color is paper 9, create a clipping mask to the name. Resize as needed but make sure to cover the entire name.
Add a bevel, change the Gloss Contour to Gaussian, and change the shadow to #009aff.
Add a stroke, size 3, in #103041. Add a drop shadow.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open paper 2 and resize to 600x600. Place on top of the canvas.
Open the mask and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. 
Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.

Here are free snags!

Thank you for coming by!

New Name, New Blog!

Hello friends! I have decided to change my designer name to reflect that I make kits more than I do CT work. I made a new blog so the old links for this blog will remain active for future visits. Please visit me at Drea's Designs ! I'll see you there!
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