Wednesday, July 31, 2013

PTU Tutorial - Evening's Tide

PTU tutorial using Evening's Tide by Karra's Kreative Korner!
You can purchase the kit HERE & HERE!!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit
Evening's Tide by Karra's Kreative Korner

*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*

palm tree


Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move  Frame2 on to the canvas. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Move paper5 behind the frame. Resize and erase anything outside the frame.

Move the tube in front of the frame. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the frame and below the tube, move the sand and place. Resize it so it's not too big. Duplicate the sand and cover the space beneath the tube.
On the paper, behind the frame, place the birds. Resize and erase anything outside the frame.

Behind the tube on the right, place the barrel.Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the barrel, place netting2. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the netting, place the anchor and flip horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the barrel and to the right, place grass2. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate grass2 and move it to the left side behind the tube. 
In front of the grass on the left, place the lantern. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the tube and lantern, place the compass. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Between the compass and the lantern, place the cattails. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the cattails and move them on the other side between the anchor and the netting.
Place the rock on the right side in front of the grass, but behind the tube. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the rock and move it in front of the lantern on the left side. 
In front of the compass and behind the tube, place rock 1. Rotate horizontally then resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the tube on the right and in front of the anchor, place flower1. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the flower, place the bottle. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the sand, but under the tube, place the glitter. Erase anything that hangs off the sand too much.
Behind the tube, place splash 2 on the right side. Take another copy of splash2 and move it on the right side. Erase anything of both splashes that hang outside the frame.
Behind the frame, place grass1 on the right side of the tube. Duplicate grass1 and move it on the left side.
Take plant3 and move it behind grass1 on the right side. Duplicate and move it on the left side. Resize and add a drop shadow.

Between the grass and the plants behind the frame, place plant2 on the right. Resize and add a drop shadow. Duplicate the move it on the left side.
Take plant2 and move it behind the frame and paper. Move on copy on the right side. Resize a little and add a drop shadow. Duplicate and move it on the left side.
Place seashell1 on place it next to the tube's foot in the front. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Place seashell2 by her foot in the back. Flip vertically, resize, and add a drop shadow.
Move the palm tree behind the tube and flip horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow.

Main color is #022619.
Add a stroke, size 2, in white.
Add a drop shadow.
Add a bevel, default, and change the shadow to white.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open paper4 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done :)

Here are a few Evening's Tide snags for you!
Thank you for coming by!

Monday, July 29, 2013

PTU Tutorial - Tropical Goddess

PTU tutorial using Tropical Goddess by PinkParadox Productions!
You can purchase the kit HERE!!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit

*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move Frame12 on to the canvas and resize. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Move P6 behind the frame. Resize so there's no need to erase anything.

Place the tube on top of the frame. Resize and add a drop shadow. 
Behind the tube, but on the frame, place 68 on the left side. Resize and add a light drop shadow.
On the right side of the tube, place 70. Resize with no drop shadow.
Behind the frame, on top of the paper, place 132. Move it lower and on the right side of the tube. Resize a little so it looks like a splash. Erase anything outside the frame.
Take another copy of 132 and move it on the left side of the tube. Resize and rotate so it's different than the other side. Erase anything outside the frame.
Take 130 and place it behind the frame and tube toward the top. Resize and erase anything outside the frame.

Place 130 underneath everything. Flip vertically
On to of the sand, place 32 on the right side. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Below the beach ball, place 2 and move it to the left a little. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the ball and towel, place 1(camera). Resize and add a drop shadow. Rotate a little to the right.
In front of the camera and towel, place the cell phone. Resize and add a drop shadow. Rotate to the left a little.
To the left of the towel, place 7 on top of the towel. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of the book and towel, place 63 then 64 on top of it. Move them between the book and towel. Resize and add a drop shadow.
To the left of the book, place 4. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of music player, place 3. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Now between the music player and the book, place 22. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the player and the book, place 9. Resize and add a drop shadow.
To the left of the music player, place 31 behind it. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the lip gloss and to the left, place 50. Resize and add a drop shadow. Rotate a little to the right.
Behind the sunscreen and lip gloss, place 5. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the credit card, place 26. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of the cluster on the left, place 65. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Take 88 and move it behind everything on the left, but on top of the frame. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Take 86 and move it behind the beach ball on the right. Resize and add a drop shadow.

Main color is #8329d9.
Add a stroke, size 2, color #500296.
Add a drop shadow.
Add a bevel: change to Cove-Deep
Global Light Off
Angle: -151
Altitude: 21
Shadow Mode to 100 and white.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open P16 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done :)

And here are free Summer snags!

Thank you for coming by!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

*Coming Soon!* Tropical Beauty by Ismael Rac!

*Coming Soon!*
PTU tutorial with Tropical Beauty by Ismael Rac!
You can purchase her HERE!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit

Coming Soon!
*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move ele16 on to the canvas. Add a light drop shadow.
Move PP11 behind ele16 and erase anything outside it.
Below ele16, place ele22. Flip horizontally.

Move the tube in front of ele16 and set her on the sand. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Behind ele16 and on top of the the paper, place ele24. Resize a little and erase anything outside ele16.
Behind the waves, place ele19 and resize. To the left of ele19, place ele7 and resize. 
On top of ele19, place ele14 and resize.
Behind the tube, place ele8 and resize small.
In the open space, place ele2 and resize.

On top of ele16, place ele25 on the left side. Resize & add a drop shadow. Make it a little taller than ele16. Duplicate the tree and move it on the right side and make it lower than the first.

Place ele15 behind the tube on the right. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Take ele18 & ele21 and place them on top of ele15. First place ele21on the lifesaver, resize small, and flip horizontally. Then take ele18, flip horizontally, and place it on top of ele21. Make it a little bigger than the pink flower.

Take ele7 and place it in front of the tree on the right and behind the life saver. Have just a little peek out in the opening. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Duplicate ele7 and place it on top of the tree on the left. Place another copy right next to it.
In front of the ele7s, place ele13. Resize & add a drop shadow.
In front of ele13, place ele18 and ele21 like before.

Between the tube and ele13, place ele30. Resize & add a drop shadow.
In front of ele30 and ele13, place ele9 and flip horizontally. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Move ele5 behind everything and resize a little.

Main color is #00e4ff.
Add a stroke of size 3 and use #7f62ff.
Add a drop shadow.
Bevel: Change to Cone & change the shadow to white.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open PP8 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask, make sure it's 600x600, and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done! :)

Here are a few Tropical Beauty snags!

Thanks for coming by!

*Coming Soon!* Babe White by Arthur Crowe!

*Coming Soon!*
PTU tutorial with Babe White by Arthur Crowe!
You can purchase her HERE!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit

Coming Soon!
*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move the frame on to the canvas. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Place PP6 behind the frame and resize. Erase anything outside the frame.
Place the tube in front of the frame and resize. Add a drop shadow. 
On top of the paper, place the lightning. Resize a little and erase anything outside the frame.
Move the HeartSpill on top of the lightning on the right of the tube. Resize and erase anything outside the frame.
Take another copy of the HeartSpill and place it on the left side of the tube. Resize a little.

Behind the tube on the left, place Swirl2. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the swirl and place it on the right side of the tube.
On top of the swirl on the left, place the Butterfly. Resize and add a drop shadow.
 On top of the swirl on the left, place Flower4. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the flower and move it on the right side. 

Place the Keyhole in front of the flower, but behind the tube, on the left side. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of the keyhole, but still behind the tube, place the Wine. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Now place the Sparkle on top of the Wine glass and resize.

On the right side, place the phone on top of the flower, but behind the tube. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the phone, place the sword. Resize and add a drop shadow. 
Add a Sparkle to a gem on the sword and resize.

In front of the the tube, place Flower5. Resize and add a drop shadow. Move it more towards the right.
Duplicate the flower and move it toward the left. Have them meet in the middle.
On the middle of the flowers, place the Button. Resize and add a drop shadow. 

Take the Lace and weave it in and out of the blue flowers. Erase the end that goes on top of the phone. Resize and add a drop shadow. 
Behind the blue flower on the left, place the foliage. Lay it horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow. 
Duplicate the foliage, flip it horizontally, and move it behind the flower on the right.

Take Sparkles and place it over the tube. Resize and rotate it so it goes the length of the tube. Erase anything that hang off the tube.

Take Sparkles2 and move it over the elements in the front. Resize and duplicate to cover the elements, but not too much.

Main color is #74081e.
Add a stroke of size 3 and use #f7f2c4.
Add a drop shadow.
Bevel: Change to Rounded Steps
Angle: 35
Altitude: 26
Screen Opacity: 60
Shadow Mode: 91

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open PP3 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask, make sure it's 600x600, and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done! :)

Free Babe White snags!

Thank you for coming by!

Like Me!

This is my not-so-subtle way of asking you to like my Facebook page for Drea's Creations!
It's a great way to keep up with my new tutorials, freebies, and kits.
Go HERE and check it out :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

PTU Tutorial - Steam Punk Freakshow!

PTU tutorial with Steam Punk Freakshow by Redefined Designs!
You can find out where she sells here!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit

*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move the clock on to the canvas and resize a little. You want it to be big, but not too big. Add a drop shadow.
Place the tube in front of the clock. Add a drop shadow.
Place the balloon on the left side of the tube. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On the right side of the tube, place the crates. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the crates place the cog-wheel and gear 3. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Set the Bottle on the lower crate on the right. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of the crates, place the base-goggles, bullet, bow, and compass. Resize and add a drop shadow.
To the left of the balloon, place the corset. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the balloon, place Flower 1 & 3. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of the balloon and and corset, place the gun. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of the gun, place the goggles. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Between the gun and the goggles place a bullet laying down horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the gun and goggles and in front of the balloon, place the blade. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Move the Sparkle on top of everything. Resize a little so it only covers the tag. Erase anything covering the tube's face.

Main color is Paper5 resized to 400x400.
Place it over the text and create a clipping mask. 
Add a stroke of size 3 and use #492801.
Change the bevel to Cove-Deep and the shadow to #eecda6.
Add a drop shadow.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open Paper8 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask, make sure it's 600x600, and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done! :)

Here are a few snags for you!

Thank you for coming by!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

*Coming Soon!* PTU Tutorial - Magnoly by Roman Zaric!

*Coming Soon!* PTU tutorial using Magnoly by Roman Zaric!
You can purchase her HERE!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**


Here is a similar mask:

Scrap Kit

Coming Soon!
*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move the frame on to the canvas. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Place P1 behind the frame and resize. Erase anything outside the frame.
Place the tube in front of the frame and resize. Add a drop shadow. Erase her legs that hang over the bottom of the frame.
Behind the frame, place 34. Flip vertically and resize a little.
Place 21 on the right side of the frame. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Place 35 on the left side of the frame. Resize & add a drop shadow.

In front of the tube along the bottom, place 24. Resize so you can fit two along the edge. Have the larger dots meet in the middle. 
On the left side, place 15. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Behind the ball, place 10. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Between the flower and ball, place 11. Move it a little lower than 10. Resize & add a drop shadow.
In front of the ball, place 14. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Next to the crab, place 29 and flip horizontally. Resize & add a drop shadow.

In front of the surfboard, place 16. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Duplicate flowers 10 & 11 from the left side and move them behind the surfboard on the right.
In front of the purse, place 5. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Between the Nano and the purse, place 7. Resize & add a drop shadow.
To the left of the nano and behind it, place 33. Resize & add a drop shadow. Rotate it a little to the right.
Duplicate the shell and move it behind the first shell. Rotate it to the left.

Place 26 on the left side of the frame vertically. Resize a little. Duplicate it and move it to the right side. Erase anything that hangs off the frame too much.
Move 28 on top of everything. Resize so it doesn't hang off the tag too much. Erase anything that covers the face and upper torso of the tube.

Make your word art and then take another copy of 10. Place it a little behind the word art so it mostly hangs below it. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the flower and place it behind the word art. Move it to the right and above so it sits behind the set of shells too. 

Word art:
Font is Winston Nero
Main color is #cedf76.
Add a stroke, size 2, #f26060.
Select the pixels and expand by 4. 
Fill the the bottom layer with #fce59b & add noise at 12%.
Add a drop shadow to the glitter layer.

Font is Riddle.
Main color is #fce59b.
Add a stroke of size 2 and use #f26060.
Add a drop shadow.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open P8 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask, make sure it's 600x600, and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.
Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done! :)

Here are a few snags for you!

Thanks for coming by!

PTU Tutorial - Gothic Twilight

PTU tutorial using Gothic Twilight by PinkParadox Productions!
You can purchase the kit HERE!!
**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit

*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.
Move Frame 9 on to the canvas and resize. Rotate to the left a little and add a drop shadow.
Move P12 behind the frame and rotate it with the frame. Erase anything outside the frame.

Place the tube in front of the frame and resize her. Add a drop shadow.
On top of the paper and behind the frame, place E79. Put on in the upper left corner. Resize and add a drop shadow. Take another copy and move it on the right side. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the tube, place E7 on the right. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of the clock and behind the tube, place E63. Resize and add a drop shadow.

Place E31 in front of the tube. Flip vertically and resize. Add a drop shadow. 
On top of E31, place the cat tube. Resize, add a drop shadow, flip horizontally.
Behind the cat and in front of it, place E85. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the cat and to the right of it, place E88. Resize and add a drop shadow.
In front of 88 and behind the cat, place E29. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Place E60 behind the cat, by its tail, and in front of the blue flower. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Move E39 behind the flower and to the right and flip horizontally. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Between E60 & E39 place E49. Resize and add a drop shadow.
On top of E49 and to the right of it, place E17. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Duplicate the layer with E85, the purple flower, and flip horizontally. Move it to the opposite side. 
Behind the flower, place E24. Resize, rotate to the left, and add a drop shadow.
In front and to the left of the flower, place E37. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind the apple and blue vial, place E13. Resize and add a drop shadow.
Behind E24, place a duplicate of the layer with E88. 
Take E108 and move it on top of E31. Lay it horizontally and resize. Add a drop shadow. 
On top of the ivy, place the E125. Lay it horizontally as well and resize. Erase anything that hangs off the tag too much.
Now on top of the frame and behind everything, place E126. Resize a little and make sure some are on the frame. Take another copy and move it to the right. Use it cove the right side. Don't clutter it too much. Erase anything that hangs off the sides.

Main color is black.
Add a white stroke, size 1.
Select the pixels and expand by 4. 
Fill the the bottom layer with white and then add a gradient overlay with #561e76 & #1a2b64.
Just change the angle of the gradient to -33 and the scale to 105.
Add a drop shadow to the gradient layer.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open P7 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done :)

Free Snags!

Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

CT Tag Show Off with Shopaholic Girl by Ismael Rac!

Check out the 2013 Shopaholic Girl by Ismael Rac!
You can purchase it HERE!

Here are three snags for you :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, July 22, 2013

PTU Tutorial - Tea Party Dream

PTU tutorial using Tea Party Dream by Jackie's Jewels!
You can purchase the kit here!!

**This tutorial was written by me and any resemblance is purely coincidental. It is written for those with a working knowledge of Photoshop.**



Scrap Kit
Tea Party Dream

*You must obtain a license to use this tube.*



Let's start!
Open a new canvas, size 650x650.

Move Frame1 on to the canvas. Resize & add a drop shadow.
Place paper2 behind the frame. Resize and erase anything outside the frame.
Place Frame4 on top of Frame1. Resize so it meets the opening of the inside of Frame1. Add a drop shadow.
On top of Frame4, place the DottedArt vertically then resize. Duplicate the art and place it horizontally at the bottom of the frame and behind the tube.
Move the table in front of the frame on the right. Resize & add a drop shadow.
On top of the table:
Place the SugarBowl and resize.
Rest the Spoon against the SugarBowl and resize.
Move Teapot2 behind the SugarBowl and resize.
Place the Teacup in front of the SugarBowl & Teapot and resize.
To the left of the teacup place the napkin and resize.
Now take one of each of the raspberries and move them between the teacup and sugarbowl.
Place the CircleScatter behind the frame and table and resize. 

Place the tube in front of everything and resize. Add a drop shadow.
Take the full size tube and move her behind the frames and on top of the paper. Resize a little and change it to overlay. Create a clipping mask to the paper.

Main color is #f0e3d7.
Add a drop shadow.
Add a stroke, size 2, #ff0062.

Open a new canvas, size 600x600.
Open Paper10 and resize to 600x600. and move on top of the canvas.
Open the mask and move on top of the paper.
Remove the white background and place the mask behind the tag. Make it evenly stretched on all sides.

Add your tagger mark and copyright information.
Crop off any extra canvas.
Save as a .psd & .png.
We're done :)

Grab the cluster frame below!

Please leave some love before you download!

New Name, New Blog!

Hello friends! I have decided to change my designer name to reflect that I make kits more than I do CT work. I made a new blog so the old links for this blog will remain active for future visits. Please visit me at Drea's Designs ! I'll see you there!
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